Whenever another person sitting next to me at school doesn't push their chair in when they get up to leave, I do it for them because it looks more orderly.

Cough and shift my feet a lot when someone comes into the public bathroom so they know someone is in the stall and won't walk in on me.

When walking outside by myselff and listening to music, I mouth the words and pretend im the singer of the song in their music video.

Sometimes I wonder if my whole life is a hallucination and I'm actually in some padded room somewhere, talking to myself and staring into space while my real family mourns the fact that their daughter will never be able to live a real life...

Check the time on my cell phone, put it back in my pocket. Dammit, didn't see the time. Check it again.

Sometimes I imagine what it would look like if I was seeing out of another person's eyes across from where I happen to be.

I'm constantly struck with this odd sensation that I didn't wipe my ass well enough.

Sometimes, I skim through the Terms of Service just to make sure I'm not selling my soul or promising my first-born.

Make pictures on the bathtub wall using the clump of hair from the shower drain.

Locking your pet in the room and forcing it to spend time with you.

Tap different rythyms with my fingers and keep doing it over and over until the rythym ends on the last finger

when singing to music on my ipod, i sometimes pause the music to hear how loud I am singing.

Create a little story/scenario in your head abbout someone you like or want to meet, while lying to go to sleep.

when i eat, i sometimes switch which side of my mouth i chew my food with to even it out.

Try and accomplish something before the timer on the microwave beeps :)

I can't brush my teeth with the toilet lid up.

I have tons of imaginary conversations in my head with people I know, but they never happen. It's worse when something funny happens in the imaginary conversation and I laugh to myself, and if someone notices I can't even say that I was remembering something because I wasn't, it had never happened...

I cover my webcam on my when I fap in fear that someone/something is watching.

When I'm home alone, I get paranoid and think that someone is watching me and I try to act cool and funny just to impress them.

Laugh softly when you hear someone else cry

A song comes on that you hate but you sing with it anyway because you know the lyrics

i run my 2 fingers across a wall like they're ninja feet when im happy.

Not clicking the Facebook 'like' button on "pee in the side of the toilet so its not as loud", because it will show up on your profile, and you think other people will think you're strange.

while talking about someone, immediately fear they are somehow listening

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.