Pick out an object ahead of me on the footpath and guess which foot will step closest to it

Scratch inside my ear, then lick the finger I used.

Try to balance the light switch between on and off.

put your hands in your bra or pants to keep them warm when you're not in public.

accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

Know all the lyrics to a song but then realize you never actually "listened" to the song to see what it's about

Read through all these posts and get all excited when you see things that you thought only you did

put an excessive amount of lead in your pencil

Really really happy that resisted getting a facebook or twitter account

Wait until my significant other is in shower and then let loose the longest, loudest fart that's been building in me all night and pray it's muffled by the mattress and the covers.

type "haha" because lol is too gay...but slip sometimes and type lol anyway lol....

Walk around downtown and spot good camping spots or sniping spots, cause life is a FPS.

I will look up the definition of a word in a text message before I use it just incase I'm using it in the wrong context.

I tilt my head back and eat grapes pretending like im a greek god

I always feel as if someone is always watching me on a screen where ever I am, and every person in the world is also being watched as well

Saying "ow" even though whatever happened did not actually hurt, but you thought that it would.

I always ask myself "Why am I me?". But have never come up with a good answer.

I put toilet paper in first before i poop, so the water dosent splash me.

when looking for lost keys i return to the place they should be at least 5 times and look there

When walking in a pub or a mall or any place which has music playing, I walk along with the beats thinking that I will look super cool doing that!

Sometimes I won't do something just to see how long it takes before someone else does it (dishes, throw something away, fill the ice cube tray, etc.).

Popping your finger in your bellybutton, and then smelling it. You secretly like the cheesy smell.

Try having a conversation with your friends parents but keep saying yeah the whole time

After hearing a song, you think, oh i have never heard of that before, and then you start hearing it every single day....

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.