Look at the clock, then instantly forget what time it is and look again.

when looking for lost keys i return to the place they should be at least 5 times and look there

I approach balcony ledges with my feet firmly planted, just in case a random person decides to come pick me up and throw me off the balcony.

I click my teeth to music

While im showering, I place my hands in a certain position so it looks like I can shoot water out of my fingers.

I constantly talk to myself.

whenever im doing sumthing im not suppose to i feel like everybody knows what im doing

I walk into a room and forget why I'm in there.

Whenever someone is making a speech, I imagine them being taken out by a sniper mid-speech...

when i am in a long car ride i look out the window and imagine im in a sad music video

Remembering that you're breathing and then it stops being subconscious so you have to purposely breathe until you stop thinking about it.

saying long strings of unconnected words in your head and wondering if you just said something that noone else ever has

Cover myself in Vaseline and cry in the dark for 4, maybe 5 hours with or without a wooden splintery dildo in my arse.

When I'm at someone else's house, clutter sort of bothers me and it makes me want to clean up. At my own house, it feels really weird if there's a lack of clutter, so I like to keep it that way.

Post on this website, then give yourself the first thumbs up to kick-start your success.

Turning on the TV for background noise when I'm on my computer.

I imagine myself dying in the worst possible way more than once a day. I don't know...today, I was driving on a bridge and all I could picture was it collapsing and falling onto me, When I'm lying in bed, I imagine my ceiling fan toppling me.

When I have headphones in, I wonder if my swallowing is extremely loud for everyone else too.

when two pictures look very similar, i go back and forth between them so it looks like they're moving

think about all of the things you would do if you were the only person on earth

When no one's at home, the house turns into an action movie set. Going to my room turns into sprinting up the stairs and purposely stumbling to give the effect that bombs are going off. And always make it to the room in time to hop on the last helicopter out of the jungle.

When your sitting on the toilet you watch a video,or read something on your ipod/ipad/etc

Smiling like an Idiot when you get a cute text

Think about what you're going to tell your kids about your childhood when you grow-up.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.