wipe your hands on your pants

Saying "ow" even though whatever happened did not actually hurt, but you thought that it would.

I flip the pillow at night to feel the cool sensation.

Waking up from a dream that you thought was real life, and thinking,man i wish that was real...

When no one's looking, I run up stairs on hands and feet.

Laughing randomly because you remembered something that was funny earlier

when someone mispronounces something I say the correct pronunciation quietly under my breath so it doesn't bother me

I wish I was born again, but I had all of the knowledge I have now.

Spend way too much time on this website cause it makes you feel normal

Look at a friend and realize that you have forgotten their name...

whenever there are automatic doors at a store i use "the force" to open them

When I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other in the same way just to be fair to both hands

While peeing, I will sometimes flush the toilet mid-stream and see if I can finish before it flushes all the way.

Sit there with my hand just resting down my pants casually when I'm alone. It's comfy!

If I hear a noise, it obviously means there is a monster somewhere in/near my bedroom and the sheets will protect me as long as they cover up to my chin.

I can't get out of bed in the mornings unless the alarm clock reads 0 or 5.

I think people especially my parents, can hear my thoughts

Look at my eyes really close in the mirror and turn the lights off, wait, and then back on just watch my pupils change size. PS: Really? No way - I could've sworn I was the only weirdo who did that!

Make little rectangles on your desktop when waiting for something to load...

before going to a party, i rehearse the conversations i expect to have with the people who will be there (even though those conversations never actually happent)

I always feel a little twinge of regret when I see "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service," because I know it's a lie.

When nobodys home, stay as quiet as possible just in case an intrudor is hiding somewhere

I set my alarm clock early just so I can get up snooze it.... One, two, three, maybe even four times.

Think the "D" in the Disney logo was actually a "G", and realized that thought process at an age to embarassing to divulge to complete strangers on the internet.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.