Look up definitions of acronyms in text messages or Facebook that I feel I should know because I'm teenager.

imagine squeezing your bladder in your hand when your peeing.

wonder if anyone's watching you and try to seem like a decent person

I pick my nose n eat it. I love the hard ones

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I plan to put money away everyday but never seem to do it.

when liking something you like or dislike something you click it twice even though you know it will only take one vote

Go outside and pee.

use my phone as an alarm clock for waking up. but sets the time in PM instead of AM.

A stranger makes me mad. Spend all day thinking about badass things that I should have done/said.

hate it when the bottom of you foot is itchy because it feels wrong to scratch it.

When I read something someone you know has written I read it in their voice.

Fart and walk away from the stink area very quickly so nobody will know you made it.

I click that I have read the Terms of Service although I haven't read sheit

blow nose. look at kleenex.

I refuse to eat cherry starbursts because they taste like medicine.

i make loud noises so before i fart people cant hear it.

Checking your phone for a text when you know you don't have one. Matt

when going to get a drink, i accidently pull out a bowl, or plate, later realizing what i did, i put it back, and get a cup

become increasingly panicked when its dark and you cant find the door handle.

sit on the toilet when taking a crap and play my iPod or laptop at the same time for something to do.

Reflection and deep thoughts about the origin of life and the universe when showering

Always look down at the floor or avoiding any kind of eye contact when your getting told off for something really bad

I walk down the stairs sideways because I'm afraid something will get me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.