I light my pubes on fire instead of shaving them because they aren't as itchy that way.

I pretend that someone can see through my eyes whenever I'm doing something cool, i guess so they think I'm cooler or something.

If there's leaves on the ground and the wind picks it up and makes like swirls I put my arms out to make it seem I'm controlling the swirls.

make food scream if i chop them up.

I actually get stuck watching those rediculous infomercials late at night... Yeah - you're not alone. But no, I don't buy anything either... Lol.

Sometimes I imagine how everyone would react if I died.

Say "ow" when I drop something or before I get hurt

when i watch tv and it cuts to break, if i hear someone on the tv tell me not to change the chanel, ill say "u cant tell me what to do!" and then ill change it.

When i need to poop i place toilet paper over the water so it doesn't splash up and hit my rectum.

I act as though I've had movie cameras placed in my eyes and a bunch of people will watch my life as a movie at some point. And so I do a narration voice for them.

I say my first name every night before I go to sleep because I want it to be the last thing I say before I die.

I never read the Terms of Service. I just click "OK"

Every time I see my self in a mirror, I feel like I'm watching someone in a different dimension and make quick movements to see if they mess up.

When looking for something you need, just walk in circles around the house until it appears.

I like to say really offensive and/and racist words when I'm on my own and no one can hear me. It just feels good to say things that I'm not allowed to.

When I'm eating cereal, if some of the cereal gets stuck on the inside of the bowl above the rest I use the side of my spoon to push it down back into the milk.

If I have a black surface I scratch my dandruff onto and make a dandruff galaxy.

Every time i get a new video game i read the back of the case and the pamphlet the whole ride home

When i take off my watch before i go to sleep i smell my wrist.

I talk excessively loud in public sometimes so people can hear my opinions. I'm just hoping someone's eavesdropping because I like the fact that they might agree with me and that they get to see a little bit of who I am. I don't even know these people.

I pass by closed doors quickly and at least as far away as the door seems like it can open, because I always feel like someone's going to burst out, hitting me in the face with the door.

Playing with your phone or remote throwinng it up and down until it hits your face

After texting someone, check your phone repeatedly to see if they responded

i cant fall asleep unless i suck my thumb...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.