Sex scene comes on TV while you are watching with your parents... Try to act normal... Fail.

Answering questions that weren't directed at me, then awkwardly playing it off like they were talking to you.

When nobody's home I blast the stereo and sing as loud as I can.

When you tell yourself that this is the last page you'll read and end up reading three more.

I unlike Facebook pages if they spam my wall.

Eat something to pass the time while I wait for my food in the microwave to be cooked.

working out escape routes for each room in your house when you're alone, just in case

*Sees bug on wall while taking shower* *Splashes with shower water* *Bug slides down wall* >_


Accidentally turning the fan on instead of the light when you walk into the bathroom and having a mini-spazz attack because the sound scares you.

I scratch the scabs on my head whenever im bored

i take words i just read or said and sing them to the tune of a song

1.Open the fridge...nothing to eat :/ 2.Open the cabinet...nothing to eat :/ 3.Lower expectations..and then repeat :)

before i go to sleep i must check the front door knob multiple times to make sure its locked

I make all the faces on my money face the same way.

Every time i take a drink from a cup, i rotate the cup so i never drink from the same place.

I can't brush my teeth and rinse in the sink right after I flush the toilet, for fear of it being connected somehow, and rinsing with my own piss.

Sometimes when I look in the mirror I mouth common words and phrases, just to see what it looks like when I talk to other people.

I used to pretent my legs didn't work and pulled myself up the stairs with just my hands.

suck my own penis

I stand under my ceiling fan, looking up while spinning around to make it look still...

Find something you dislike about your face/body and instantly compare it with every person you meet from then on

Always coming up with a really great comeback in my head 5 seconds too late. And then playing out what would have happened if I had said it.

When I'm about to go to the bathroom, I think of a million things that I have to do and try to do them all before I pee my pants.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.