Think of something to post but cant put it into words.

I Never read the Terms of Service but click the box anyway .

Whenever i do something bad to someone I can't stop smiling even though i never wanted to smile in the first place and i feel like people think I'm a terrible person

after dialing a number and clicking "call" constanly rehearse what your going to say when the other person picks up the line

Whenever I drop food on the floor I get my dog to come clean it for me

When you're lying in bed and you fart, you pull the covers over your head to smell it.

Wherever I drink something, I count how many times I swallow it, and I feel weird if it's not a multiple of 5. I will get more of the drink and drink it, even if I'm not thirsty, just to make my life seem a little more complete...PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one?

Whenever you make cereal, you eat exactly where you make it like on the table.

Pretending you're a badass character from an anime or movie when listening to rock music (or something similar)

When someone enters the room while i'm playing a game, start playing the best song of the game soundtrack so they notice it and think the game has a cool soundtrack.

While at the movies, grab and eat your popcorn with your tongue and pretend you are a lizard.

Invented a special password for yourself in order to recognize yourself if travel through time.

When I dont feel like sweeping I sweep the stuff under the fridge or something

I scratch and sniff.

Imagine myself going back in time and giving my friends and family little hints on how their life will pan out.

Pretend you are turning Super Saiyan when sat on the toilet

Playing a sad song that talks about your current situation and then looking in the mirror or out the window pretending you are in a sad music video.

I save my files as "askjaskjaks" because I'm too lazy to give them a proper name.

I cant ride a bike

fart then blame it on the guy next to me realizing theres no one near me and everyone looks at me....awkward

Sometimes I find myself staring at the television only to realize its off.

I pretend that my pillow is the love of my life and kiss it and cuddle it before bed.

Think what would I be doing if I was someone else

I imagine myself having a superpower that could make people see from my point of view. I would just have to lay a hand on them, and suddenly they would understand who I really am.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.