That feeling you get where you slip on something but you save yourself just in time and your just like "holy crap, i almost cracked my head and died," then two minutes later your legs are still shaking

I sometimes go out of my way to make sure I have my iPhone with me in the bathroom while taking a poop.

Surfing nsfw subreddit at work

When driving along in the car, imagining crashing and another car coming into you and the repercussions of it all.

Love the Twilight books, HATE the movies.

Guessing on those annoying Captcha things and then getting unnecessarily angry when it tells you you're wrong.

Shit in the shower and pushing it down the drain with your feet

I blow my nose in my towel after i dry off. Then use the same towel the next day. lol

I never look out the window at night because I'm afraid there will be an Alien staring at me when I move the curtains.

when you can't think of anything to type you just type random letters. a;lsdfj;ldfkjsfasdfljf

invent arguments in my head with people to hone my debate skills for future arguments.

Going to a friends house for the weekend, coming home and checking the fridge/pantry for new foods.

I randomly hold my boobs in my room.

I tend to ignore phone calls, even when I know the phone call could be important.

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

I used to peep when my relatives are watching porn, back when i was a kid. After that, i feel like i wanna pee.

wait til the last second to stop the microwave before it dings

When you trip when your walking you try to play it off like you wanted to start running

When texting someone on the toilet & they ask, "What are you doing?" I respond with, "Oh, just chillin." LOL. -Jade

When writing out something in the air, you mess up so you "wipe" out the mistake and then move to another piece of air because it's "cleaner".

I used to pretent my legs didn't work and pulled myself up the stairs with just my hands.

When I'm hungry I look in the fridge, but there's nothing good to eat so I shut the door and walk away. Then I look in the fridge again 10 seconds later in the hope that new food has arrived Robbie

When walking on an old looking bridge I try to get off quickly and before anyone else gets on there because all I can think about is it giving way and me falling to my death/being very wet

instinctively thumb down long posts without reading them.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.