Popping your finger in your bellybutton, and then smelling it. You secretly like the cheesy smell.

pee in my pants on purpose for the fun of it

I wet toilet paper before I use it to wipe.

I can't drink while I'm walking I have to stop.

I laugh easier when im with someone

When eating food leave back the food u like the most for last

When leaving your basement, become increasingly conscious of how you are scared of something getting you. SPRINT UP STAIRS.

When someome asks you a question and you can't hear them so you say, "what?", then they say it again and you miss it so you just nod your head and say "yeah".

When I'm over at my friends house and they get in a fight with their sibling, I just pet their dog.

I always save a bite of my favorite food for last so that is the taste I have in my mouth when the meal is over.

Lie in bed at night, imagining things I want to happen in my life while trying to fall asleep.

smell your socks cause you like the smell of your own sweat

Try to balance the light switch between on and off.

When you had a crush on a girl in elementary school, then don't see her in middle school and think of how much of a bitch she was. Then You start crushing on her again in high school.

When I'm in a room with other people, no matter who they are, I make myself choose the person I would tolerate the best having sex with just in case of a disaster and we need to procreate.

I prefer to masturbate by putting a fleshlight under my stuffed-toy smurfette's dress and pretend to smurf her.

Whenever you make cereal, you eat exactly where you make it like on the table.

When listening to headphones, I automatically start lip syncing the lyrics... But stop doing it when people look at me funny..

Having more dificulty thinking in your native language than your 2nd or 3rd one. Or 4th one. Or... the rest. I highly doubt that one's common.

Sometimes I put on my running shoes to make myself feel like I worked out but I really didn't.

Look at every individual line on my hands and see if they are identicle

I have an imaginary therapist. I talk to him in my head and he actually gives me really good answers.

At night, everytime when i walk past that curtain lampost, it goes off.

I ship Bolin and Korra as a romance and a bromance. Am I weird for doing this?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.