Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

I chew around the center of carrots.

Put my hands together the 'other' way

Pretend my ski pole is a gun while I'm on the chair lift. Or just any object around when I'm not skiing.

When I piss in the toilet (naw, naw in the microwave, god) I try to pee on one side so the bubbles spin around the flush to see if it keeps spinning

eat the muffin bottom because it isn't as good as the top and i want to get it over with

don't wash my hands after using the toilet because its a waste of time

I brush my teeth with the tap on because it sounds weird brushing in silence.

eat curry and don't complain about its spiciness ...if you're not white

Sometimes I forget that there are spiders in my bedroom, so after I've seen one I can't sleep for several days for fear that they'll eat me if I do. Then I forget about them again and thus the cycle starts.

masturbate as soon as the opportunity arrises. "You'll be home alone all day" "Ok, bye.....*fap fap fap*"

Whenever there is a volume button on something i have to make sure its on a number 5 ie: 0,5,10,15

speak proper english

Fire imaginary rocket launchers at passenger planes flying overhead, then panic thinking what if it really blows up?

that time where you open the fridge door and stare at it for like 10 min then close it and walk away?

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

When it's as quiet as possible in the classroom in the middle of the period and everyone is silently doing their work.... I suddenly think of something REALLY funny and spend the next half hour awkwardly grinning trying my hardest not to burst out uncontrollably.

thinking "what if people can read my mind" then cant stop thinking dirty things about people around me

When bored in School, I like to imagine what I would do at that exact moment if a Zombie Apocalypse started.

I never take drinks into smelly places, out of fear that the smell will somehow get into my drink and contaminate the taste.

Writing/ Typing "wemon" to represent more than 1 women, but then realizing that it's not actually a word...

Run faster down hotel corridors.

Love the Twilight books, HATE the movies.

i can't watch the t.v. unless the volume ends in a 0 or 5

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.