Peel my mandarin oranges in one try

Kill Jb without getting aressted.

I have tried jumping in an airplane to see if I fall in the same spot

Check the lint filter on the dryer every time I walk into the laundry room.

Bored. Open refrigerator. Nothing to eat. Open it again five minutes later.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

Whenever I get sweaty I put baby powder around my groin area and under arms. Ramos

Sometimes when I'm sitting still I visualize myself being able to move myself using my mind.

I have shown up for a first date in a friends POS car instead of my own to see if she is too materialistic

Look at my poo before I flush it.

i feel all weird and sad when i thing about my old belongings.

everytime i see a jet stream in the air i pretend that i can shoot a missile with my finger tip that is self guided and tracks down the airplane that made that certain jet stream.

Twice on two different internet super power sites, I posted sdrawkcab epyt ot REWEP eth"... ...Sadly I forgot to type MORAL under them, so they have... several thumbs ups... NERO: In a world of bithes and h0m0f*gs that never understood that my "MORALS" where pure SARCASM!... Oh, I also think I am one of the three hundred guys that gangbang your mother.

I violate and then kill people, all ages and kinds... ..:But everyone does that right? I mean... Lol, I just type that because I am insecure now, and I kill when I am insecure... ...Excuse me.

expecting to get on this website to find something funny but instead finding crappy posts.

Say to yourself "I really should get that work done" then do nothing about it

i answer "why" to questions and then when someone gets pissed i say "when" Hey Jim, how's Mary? Why? Because she's your sister and I care about you. Why? Because you're my best friend. Why? STOP IT! When?

sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

Sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom and staying silent until everyone leaves, so you do not feel the embarrassment

Think about Facebook chats when your offline!? P.S Am I the only one, REALLY!

check for spiders under the toilet seat before taking a dump

Get a mini heart attack when your rocking on your chair and you nearly fall off

Imagine a little person trapped and about to be crushed in the progress bar.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.