incognito mode on google chrome

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

Getting that huge shiver when you take a really good pee.

pretend you died to see what your dog would do.

Wonder what I would have said to my dad if I knew he was going to die

Saying or doing something stupid, then later replaying it in your head and wanting to punch yourself in the face for it, then coming up with different ideas on how you could have been less stupid. -B

When I have to use my hands to eat my steak, chew the bones etc (do not tell me that so far this is weird and unusual :P ) I wipe my fingers after each touch => use a whole pack of table tissues :D

While watching a movie, I imagine that same movie in my mind only replacing the characters with different ones from other series or videogames that I like. It just seems to make the movie better.

Sometimes when im lost in thought I twirl a piece of my bangs and stare off in a daze.

Never eat curry before school otherwise you will have a massive poo

I stare at the paint impasto on the ceiling until I see faces.

Pour a bowl of cereal. Open fridge. No milk. (karky)


I like to turn the lights off in the bathroom, actually block every little bit of light I possibly can, then take a nice warm shower, curl up on the floor, block my ears and enjoy the warm water and sensory deprivation.

Handing something to a friend or someone and all you can think is "...I've fapped with that hand. And they know I have" even though you clean up after you feel like your jizz is gonna be on what you gave them and theyll find out amd think you're disgusting.

Sometimes when you're at work and you're REALLY horny, you look around at the women you work with and think who you really would like to bone, then on another particular day when you aren't horny, you see the same women and think to yourself " I must have REALLY been horny. What was I thinking?" lol (not trying to be gross, but honestly, who doesn't get horny while at work sometimes)

Read through all these posts and get all excited when you see things that you thought only you did

when no one is home I grab my sisters boobs she has big ones I mean it.

When you can't be bothered to go to the toilet so you stay watching tv or going on your laptop while trying to hold it in.

stare at a word and try to sound it out backwards to see if it spells something backwards.

When I was a kid and I misbehaved when my dad used to smack me I would put emphasis in my cries to let him think that I got the lesson.

im going to RAPEEEE that girl

when u see a blond, brown,black,or red head girl u think of a blond,brown,black or red head joke -Randi L.

On true/false sections of tests, I get paranoid if there are not the same amount of trues and falses.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.