When I dont feel like sweeping I sweep the stuff under the fridge or something

Whenever I drop food on the floor I get my dog to come clean it for me

Sometimes I find myself staring at the television only to realize its off.

Think what would I be doing if I was someone else

Right before I go to the dentist I brush my teeth.

Invented a special password for yourself in order to recognize yourself if travel through time.

I cant ride a bike

sometimes when i'm talking to myself and someone walks in the room i have to make them believe what i'm saying is a song!!

I'm not bad looking and I don't fall into the beautiful category either but I really feel good about the way I look

When you're lying in bed and you fart, you pull the covers over your head to smell it.

Wherever I drink something, I count how many times I swallow it, and I feel weird if it's not a multiple of 5. I will get more of the drink and drink it, even if I'm not thirsty, just to make my life seem a little more complete...PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one?

I talk to inanimate objects daily.

When I'm laying in bed and I feel my heartbeat, I turn around so I can't feel it because it makes me feel sick.

Whenever I finish reading a book, I feel a great sense of achievement.

When I hear something that I could make a great comeback to (if it was directed towards me), I saw it under my breath just to feel full fiilled

Sometimes I wonder how food tastes when not drowned in ketchup.

When someone enters the room while i'm playing a game, start playing the best song of the game soundtrack so they notice it and think the game has a cool soundtrack.

While at the movies, grab and eat your popcorn with your tongue and pretend you are a lizard.

looking at the last page of thingsyouthinkonlyyoudo.com to see how weird some people are...

Go to bed with my left nostril clogged, wake up with my right nostril clogged.

after dialing a number and clicking "call" constanly rehearse what your going to say when the other person picks up the line

bounce when your tip toeing.

When in a outhouse I get scared that I can't unlock the door. This one time in the winter the lock froze and I was almost stuck

Picking your dogs booger for him/her

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.