I was not born in the country I am living in now

Wondering what would happen if you did something super random or inappropriate in a group setting. :)

Pretending you're a badass character from an anime or movie when listening to rock music (or something similar)

when i piss in the toilet, i flush half way through and race the toilet to the finish.

Air guitar to a song of how you think it would be on a Guitar Hero game.

I always think I have special powers

Doing something, and someone asks you what you're doing, and you realize you can't remember. Then they walk off and the instant they're gone, you remember.

Whenever i do something bad to someone I can't stop smiling even though i never wanted to smile in the first place and i feel like people think I'm a terrible person

get really freaked out when your in a parking lot and the car next to you starts backing up and you think your moving forward.

Decide to think about important things in the shower, but continually lose the train of thought and eventually give up.

Learning a definition of a word and after that seeing it everywhere.

I often think about how I am a thing inside of a body

I have to put the radio volume in multiples of three and my daughter has to put it in multiples of five so when we are together it either has to be on 15 or 30.

I think Frozen is an overrated film

Buy tons of movies and only watch them once. Rarely buy books and reread them a million times.

Wish that Mexicans would go to their OWN country and stop living tax free in OURS.

when im lying in bed and fart i bring the blanket up to my nose and smell it. And nod in approval..

Take your laptop to the toilet with you, as a modern day equivalent of the newspaper.

When watching TV shows, I always think about what I would have done differently if I was the character in that particular situation.

Unable to be near my cat without petting her or talking to her.

fart then blame it on the guy next to me realizing theres no one near me and everyone looks at me....awkward

Stand on the first floor and look up through the 2nd story railing just to look up women's skirts.

The older I get the more honest I get

When I Download A Song Or Movie And The Download Speed Slows Down I Think The FBI Is Tracking Me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.