I somtimes think about what I would o if I had a wish and I go into a lot of detail about it in my head and then realize it will never actually happen

Have to have a certain light in the bathroom to poop. Also, nobody can be anywhere near me.

When driving and a song come on about death I switch the station because i'm afraid its going to happen to me

We keep a spare key hidden outside somewhere in case we are locked out

Drool a lil bit and continue eating...

Imagine your in action movies and die for a girl while your lying there trying too sleep and realising you are deep in thought about something that your too chicken to do.

I eat something and read book/newspaper/magazine at the same time. Then i take food crumbs off the book and eat them too.

Try to find the perfect stride length so you don't have to walk all weird to avoid stepping on a sidewalk crack. Fail miserably but keep walking weird.

Click an invisible pen I think is in my hand but is not constantly everyday.

Turn the door knob while closing the door ...so it doesn't make a loud noise.

Think of something to post but cant put it into words.

Discovering your friend is an indian (Nicole)

I Never read the Terms of Service but click the box anyway .

scratch that bit between my balls and arse when it gets itchy, then carry on scratching for ages cos it feels so damn good

get happy as sh*t when you remember your homework is do after your lunch period so you can do it then, but never end up doing it.

When I am making submissions to this site I sometimes accidentally put them in the comment section

After eating a sandwich, eat the leftover sesame seeds one-by-one.

Whenever on a car ride, pretend you are in a military convoy and shoot at pursuing helicopters and soldiers.

coughing when your having a poo so people know that your on the loo

sitting in the passenger seat of the car, move my head around gently to guide a piece of dirt on the window in the foreground around the obstacle course of trees, streetlights etc in the background. Also, imagine my eyes are projecting lasers which cut through anything and carve the passing world up to my design.

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Wondering how your funeral would play out if you die

sing like a pro in da shower

Sittig on a table donating sperm to my friend gabe

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.