whenever I see those commercials where there is two people talking to each other but they constantly look at me it really irritates me

rub the underside of your ear lobe to smell the odd smell.

run inside after taking out the trash because a monster might be hiding in the big trash can

When I am listening to my ipod in the car or on a bus, i always remove an earphone to check if i am breathing really loudly.

I twist my pubes into little spikes when I pee.

when something is lost you check the spot they or it should be at least 5 to 10 times

Wishing you could go back in time and do a situation over again, becuase you regret the stuff you did.

Get freaked out when door bell or phone rings when you are doing something you are not supposed to.

Get random feelings of nausea and/or dizziness for no apparent reason.

Moral: Damn I clicked on pointless super powers how did I get here! Moral: I wrote the "thing only I do" below :P

Receiving or finding something cool in your dream, then waking up thinking you have it and realize you don't.

Think "When are we ever going to use this in our life?" while sitting bored in school.

when i realise for example that my shoes are stinking i get really paranoid and try to cover them under the table or something because i feel that everyone is thinking about it or is covering their nose or stuff

when i get pissed off at someone i go to an empty room and then imagine killing them

When walking on an old looking bridge I try to get off quickly and before anyone else gets on there because all I can think about is it giving way and me falling to my death/being very wet

When one of those sad sappy abused dogs commercials comes on, you change the channel really fast to prevent from crying.


Fear that the CIA is secretly wathing you.

Start to tell a story, but realize that nobody is bothering to listen to you.. So you slowly let your voice fade off

When I loose something , I buy a new one, then continue to find the old one the next day.

R A P E Children

looking at the bottom when i meet foreigners talking among themselves... dang. no subtitles.

Too lazy to exercise. Think to self "I'm gonna work out tomorrow." - instantly feel better about self. Still didn't exercise.

Stick ur thumb between ur first and middle finger without realizing it

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.