Rub boogers under the arm rest on the couch.

when someone says something like 'it's too late' i always start singing 'to apologizeeeeee' even though i think people are annoyed of me always singing along to their sentences and changing the meaning, but i just cannot stop it

I stare at the paint impasto on the ceiling until I see faces.

when someone is talking about something i have no idea of and then asked me if i agree I'm like: oh yes! and then promptly changing subject so they won't find out

When I walk the streets after getting a new haircut, I think everybody's staring at me and thinking "oh my god she got a new haircut" eventhough they didn't know me before.

when im losing an argument, ill start singing my responses

you know how everyone talks about making life decisions in the shower and thinking about life?.....yeah thats me on the toilet

Pretend to listen to iPod, but actually eavesdrop on the people around me.

Walking around store and store clerk asks are you finding everything ok..and you reply yes and you...

As im about to fall asleep sometimes i feel like im falling and then i have a muscle spasem and wake up.

Having small fingers and, regardless, still unable to click on the right thing when on the internet with a touch screen phone.

I stop the microwave at 1 second so that one someone else uses it it beeps

When I look at a digital clock, i try to rearrange the number to make them a math equation

i use dental dams

Find yourself alone at a party/gathering of some sort... Pretend to send a text to make people think you're not a loner.

When I'm driving through traffic lights that are green, I use my psychic powers to make them change so no one behind me gets through.

instinctively thumb down long posts without reading them.

I scold or point at my electronics and tell them "No, bad!" whenever I push the wrong button or shut them off on accident.

If no one else is home and you have to go to the bathroom, but you're invested in what you're doing on your laptop, you take it with you.

Every time I open a door, I shout out "Alohamora!" and then I open it.

While waiting on someone I check my phone and if there is no new message I just read old ones, just to be occupied and don't look stupid or lost

sometimes if I am going on a flight to another country I will hold a small pocket of air in my mouth before getting on the plane and then I would let it out after we land

I pretend that my actions are perceived by a past self and they're always astounded by the change I've gone through.

play with a laser pointer and pretend its a lightsaber

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.