Walking around near loud music and begin to feel like your walking to the beat.

When I eat potato chips, I lick each side to make sure the really salty part is down.

Flush the toilet before peeing to see if I can accomplish peeing before the water flushes away. :)

Agree with someones ridiculous political opinion just to avoid an argument.

Go through funny pictures and memes on Facebook, and then accidently miss one and ten when you click to go back you have to go through like 5 more to get back to the one you want.

On true/false sections of tests, I get paranoid if there are not the same amount of trues and falses.

Make scary faces in the mirror and try to scare myself

Pretending you're in a tribute band when you listen to a song.

Feel like you sing wonderfully when you are alone, but feel like you sing horribly in front of others.

i randomly grab my boobs when i'm home alone. like, all the time.

Change my music to something cooler than the song im listening to when i pass by other kids my age

Dip my pizza crust in my soda

I post morals under every one of my new comments. Moral: Duh, I am moral man ffs! What do you expect! Its awesome! If things go at this phase I will be a celebrity in... hmm... in never!

Masturbate while waiting for a game to load.

when you are pooping you fart and it scares you a little bit.

Trying to take the same number of steps in a block of sidewalk while you're walking.

When in a public bathroom stall and having to take a number 2 i wait until there is nobody else in there to let it go and also exit the stall.

When I'm on Facebook, I flip between someone's most recent profile picture and their first one, just to see how much they've changed.

I get into a massive fight with my parents, and then do the thing i was told not to just so i can tick them off.

i always wipe the ketchup off my face with the bread of my sandwich

When eating skittles and share it with my friends, i gave them the flavors that i dont really like.

When you try to blur eyes and keep them like that when you look around the room.

Mispronounce a word that you have a billion times before because you couldn't figure out what it said for a second.

Do math in ur head at night to help you fall asleep.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.