Get annoyed when I'm working on something and someone who's looking at funny pictures wants to show me every single one. Then I do the same thing when I'm looking at funny pictures.

I always twist my washcloth into a cone shape, so when I take my next shower it is dry and hardened. Then I pretend stab it into my stomach and say "MY LIFE FOR AIUR!" before getting it wet again.

Mentally preparing yourself to step on a crunchy-looking leaf, only to discover it is in fact soggy, soft and unsatisfactory.

wear warm clothes on hot days -jesse

wonder if there are secret cameras watching my every move...

I scold or point at my electronics and tell them "No, bad!" whenever I push the wrong button or shut them off on accident.

if i put my shirt on backwards, instead of taking my shirt off and putting it on right, i pull my arms in and just spin my shirt.

When you're full at a restaurant and leave your drink. One day you're thirsty and remember back to when you COULD have finished that drink.

play with a laser pointer and pretend its a lightsaber

Pick giant boogers and eat them.

Try to pet your cat with your foot.

I pretend that my actions are perceived by a past self and they're always astounded by the change I've gone through.

Squeezing my cat's face back so it looks Chinese.

Somehow can't find anything good to eat after going grocery shopping... even if you buy Oreos

I control water in the shower.

dont turn my fan up so high cause i think its going to fall and slice me to bits -jesse

When I'm walking on a sidewalk, I try to step on each tile an even amount of times.

Imagine that other people see colors different from me and if i had their brain i would see it like them

Happy April 28th everyone! Today is the first day of the rest of your lives, a time for new beginnings to run wild, a time to put a final ending to the past mistakes and troubling thoughts that may have been clouding your mind for far too long until now... The time is here, The time is now, Today is the day, Right here, right now, Right this moment, This is the right time... This, IS THE TIME TO DECIDE... To take time to make time, and let time pass by while you try to decide on how you wanna live your life? Falling into the same patterns as time before, and as will be, time after time? OR, simply, you can choose to LIVE... letting yourself have the time of YOUR LIFE!!! =) The choice is yours, what will you decide??? <3

this is a terrible website and i hate you

When the car runs over bumps in the road on the freeway, they sound like horses hooves, so I pretend my car's being pulled by invisible horses.

I feel bad for not reading the terms of service on a website, because someone had to put a lot of effort into that.

Sometimes I wonder who created words. For instance, who thought to call a fence a fence? It could have been called something completely random like bucxbuw, but it would seem normal to us and fence would seem like jibberish instead.

When i'm in a classroom I think about all of the possible ways to save everyone if something bad happens.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.