That microscopic flying things that follows my eyes' motion, especially when i look up in the sky.

I make a joke and laugh a little but if someone else laughs then i laugh louder

Hate Skydoesminecraft.

I ejaculate fire and glory

Opens new book to random page. Reads snippet. Smiles to myself when I reach it 1 week later. -epsin

When watching a heavy action movie and you suddenly start thinking about how much it would cost to repair the damages made in the movie.

I wipe the part of the glass or water bottle i drink from

did you notice if you travel: when your going to the place feels like 10 hours but when going home feels like 4 hours

Whenever I slurp from a straw I do it a little bit at a time, slowly and steadily so people don't turn at me and give me an annoyed face.

Find different ways to crack your knuckles when you're bored. (I have found 7 ways to crack a finger and I can crackj my hand back

I eat ice creams from the bottom of the cone to the top.

Everytime I get in my car at night, I turn the light on and check behind the back seats to see if there's anyone waiting for me. Then lock the doors when all is safe.

Press the Microwave open button at 0:01 to feel like you defused a bomb and avoided that stupid beeping.

My goal is to get as much as possible thumbs down at this post.

Wally,you mean Obamney is the only choice?

I sometimes rub my scalp rapidly and watch my dandruff fall down like snow.

When writing out something in the air, you mess up so you "wipe" out the mistake and then move to another piece of air because it's "cleaner".

When I'm in the shower and I hear a noise I automatically think someone broke into my house and killed my family and that they're coming for me and I will have to fight off the killer naked.

You keep going through pages of "Things You Think Only You Do" clicking the button until you realize that your on like page 50.

Have a fantasy where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart while Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum.

wonder how old the people r who right these. im 12

Seeing a cartoon character eat something makes me hungry for it even though it may not taste good in real life and I know that.

Type in 'things you thought only you did' and find this site. Then smile stupidly and click thumbs up everytime you read something you thought only you did.

Instead of having a nasty breaking up, I just disappear.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.