Sometimes I find myself staring at the television only to realize its off.

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

I have to put the radio volume in multiples of three and my daughter has to put it in multiples of five so when we are together it either has to be on 15 or 30.

I imagine myself having a superpower that could make people see from my point of view. I would just have to lay a hand on them, and suddenly they would understand who I really am.

So has anyone else ever been in the middle of doing something and at the exact moment something happens and you sort of wonder if it happened because of what you did.

I always think I have special powers

Tally mark everytime I take a shit.

I can understand (insert language) but for the life of me I can't speak it.

forget to breathe while listening to ear buds too loudly.

Sittig on a table donating sperm to my friend gabe

Buy tons of movies and only watch them once. Rarely buy books and reread them a million times.

getting really nervous about random white vans that drive by you.

Pretending you're a badass character from an anime or movie when listening to rock music (or something similar)

when im lying in bed and fart i bring the blanket up to my nose and smell it. And nod in approval..

.don't congratulate someone on facebook until someone other does, because maybe it's a fail.

While at the movies, grab and eat your popcorn with your tongue and pretend you are a lizard.

When in a outhouse I get scared that I can't unlock the door. This one time in the winter the lock froze and I was almost stuck

Whenever I drop food on the floor I get my dog to come clean it for me

try to rip the top off an Oreo without messing up the cream and then if the cream comes out on both parts not wanting to eat the Oreo because its wrong.

Whenever you make cereal, you eat exactly where you make it like on the table.

Think of something to post but cant put it into words.

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

I like to go out without shoes on hot days and play the floor is lava

Invented a special password for yourself in order to recognize yourself if travel through time.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.