only drink milk from a freshly opened carton

IM 13 years old when i touch something i have a feeling and wont let me do anything until i touch it again or 4 times or sometimes even 16 times i cant live like this its weird!!!!

Laying alone in bed at night and then every single scary thought, face, image, movie, or whatever starts playing in your mind.

Spread my butt so poop comes out easier.

like it when you fart because it scratches your butt when its itchy

Whe someone buys you a gift and you think they have installed a camera into it or can somehow mentally see you when that gift is near you. Resulting in you acting strange around that it or when you are present in the same room as that gift

Try to think of something nice then thinks of then scariest things.

Hang something small in front of the webcam, in case someone is secretly watching me.

after seeing toy story, and watching that toys moved and talked to each other when the humans werent around, thinking that toys are really like that when you gone, and when you go back to you room, the toys rush back into their spots.

When I'm eating ice cream in a bowl I stir it until it becomes like ice cream soup.

i get an headache when i each cheese. but i don't get one when i have pizza or cheese and onion crisps

standing at the mall with your group talking, you all decide to start walking to a store, start to follow but half the group stays behind for a few seconds then they start walking, walk a slower pace only to find out that you're in the middle of your split groups e.g. 3 in front 4 behind...dont know which one to merge to......wait for your group to collaborate back together.


You are thinking of really awkward moments that happened earlier in the day so then you subconsciously say a bunch of random things quickly out loud to get the thought of the awkward moment out of your head.

I wonder what would happen if time froze and only I could move. I think about all the things I could do.

When ever i watch a movie with my parents i hope to god there is no nudity or awkward sex talk

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

when i talk to someone, and the one where i am talking with is saying a sentence very fast, am going to repeat the whole sentence in my head and then it sounds really weird.

Until just recently, I thought apple juice was made by the pee of the company. Just that they added sugar.

Comment on here and wait a few days and see if I got some likes . CMOOON , You do it .

I think my friends are dumb! I love them so much!!

When dunking oreos I like to hold it under the milk and watch the bubbles til they stop

I like to watch lava lamps heat up

Have to have a certain light in the bathroom to poop. Also, nobody can be anywhere near me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.