Vote for the other guy

When you can feel yourself blushing so you pretend to be preoccupied with something else.

I was not born in the country I am living in now

Laying alone in bed at night and then every single scary thought, face, image, movie, or whatever starts playing in your mind.

After eating a sandwich, eat the leftover sesame seeds one-by-one.

Picking your dogs booger for him/her

I pretend that my pillow is the love of my life and kiss it and cuddle it before bed.

Drool a lil bit and continue eating...

when i talk to someone, and the one where i am talking with is saying a sentence very fast, am going to repeat the whole sentence in my head and then it sounds really weird.

Stand on the first floor and look up through the 2nd story railing just to look up women's skirts.

Paranoid someone is reading your mind, so you think something weird to see if they look at you

Sometimes I think my shit smells delicious... and I cant believe I am actually not only typing it here, but "finally" admitting it to myself.

Imagine myself going back in time and giving my friends and family little hints on how their life will pan out.

When you're walking and think of something funny and start laughing, but you don't want people to think you're weird, so you pull out your phone and pretend you're texting.

IM 13 years old when i touch something i have a feeling and wont let me do anything until i touch it again or 4 times or sometimes even 16 times i cant live like this its weird!!!!

Take your laptop to the toilet with you, as a modern day equivalent of the newspaper.

when i piss in the toilet, i flush half way through and race the toilet to the finish.

Air guitar to a song of how you think it would be on a Guitar Hero game.

looking at the last page of to see how weird some people are...

Try to think of something nice then thinks of then scariest things.

Learning a definition of a word and after that seeing it everywhere.

You or someone you know has a secret crush/liking but the always shout it to the world. My sister does that.(It's why I ask)

Sometimes, I wonder why god or the big bang ever existed in the first place and why there is a universe in the first place ... And it makes my brain hurt!

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.