think that you are wasting way too much time on this website and that you could be exercising right now or be doing a million more productive things than righting about doing more productive things on things you think only you do.

Think about the same confusing random dilemas that dont involve me every week and alwaus come to the same conclusion

Sometimes I'll say quotes from movies or TV shows out loud to myself.

I deeply pick my nose with tweezers. It's like the relief of pooping to me.

When i close the refrigiator door, i re-open it and give it a good shove to make sure it tight.

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

Every time you use a vending machine you hope you get lucky and 2 things drop down.

Hide your I pod when your parents walk in at 12pm and then go back to what ever you were doing when they leave.

When masturbating at night, looking at the window paranoid that someone is watching. But stopping or moving out of view.

I am sure that no one else has the same mental slowness as me and my brother. When I say mauve he says maeve and we continue like this for hours. It is certainly an exciting way of eating up those motorway miles:)

Have a dream that you can breath under water and wake up and be very disappointed

you look at someone and they look toward you and you look away quickly then you look back to see if they are still looking.

Saying something stupid and then claiming it was an inside joke so you don't look stupid.

watch reality t.v. when you're feeling guilty and think to yourself "at least I'm not as bad as that"

If my SOLVE media is too long I refresh it to give me a shorter one

Spend countless hours looking at cars online I know I'll never be able to afford

Making gang signs out the window when your parents let you ride in the front seat

I always have trouble leaving a airplanes lavatory I never get the door open

daydream/pretend i'm in a story. pretend to be a new person in a movie where all the cool main characters are my friends, add to the movie with my own story and add twists and make it my own.

Being stuck in a traffic jam and wishing I could just apparate

Put the porn sound in a really low volume even when you have headphones, just to make sure noone can hear it. Then take off the headphones once in a while to check if it sounds too loud.

Wipe a soda can after somebody else in my family drinks out of it just in case I get sick or I may feel there spit.

When looking at these comments, don't like the ones with lots of comments on because you think they have too many and the others deserve your liking as they might feel left out.

When I'm listening to a sad song that relates to my life while I'm walking all alone, I mouth the words and pretend I'm in a music video.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.