When I'm in the shower, I talk to myself, usually about my plans for video game procedures.

When you have the " If I'm on an elevator and it breaks and is about to crash at the bottom, and I jump up before it does, will I live?" thought.

Sometimes there is a hair in my butt and then I pull it slowly out. And it feels funny.

Am I not the one who created an imaginary BAE?

I get mad at women because they menstruate and that's gross. I don't judge one woman individually for it, but I'm disgusted with the whole gender, which leads to being almost disgusted with myself for being attracted to them.

I used to be the third most useless invention in the world, and now I am so sad, I mean I lost to a square wheel! Moral: On the bright side, ill never be as useless as Rustin Beaver.

that movie-like moment when you want to rush out to dance in the rain

if im somewhere and say i get a itchy ass,i would say to a friend whilst sctatching " i have the itchyist but whole in the world right now" jokingly. but then think to myself, i wonder if there is someone in the world right now at the same time as me who has actually got a itchyer butt lol

masturbate as soon as the opportunity arrises. "You'll be home alone all day" "Ok, bye.....*fap fap fap*"

When I hear footsteps approaching while I'm sitting on the toilet, I'm getting ready to jump at the door in case I actually forgot to lock it.

That awkward moment when you thought the other person opened the door for you to go in first, when it was actually for that person.

When I am bored and home alone, I sometimes try to recreate the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber. (P.S. Sorry if this was already submitted, I didn't see it.)

Drink out the carton (your whole family prob does it)

When im alone in my car i talk to myself about lifes issues

Right after moving to a new place I check my room for hidden cameras.

I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

Leave those last one or two sheets of toilet paper after taking a crap just so you don't have to replace it.

think about how different my life would be I if I didn't get married

Walk into a public bathroom and go to the urinal, but then stop and think theres some guy who will perv on you and then go in the cubicle.

i leave tv on when i sleep...cant close it cause i hate to hear....noices...in my bedroom that cant identify......

When I'm walking in the street and I hear a car coming from behind I try to beat it by running to the closest telephonepole.

Almost every time someone tells me something sad I have to fight the urge to grin.

Not eat French fries because I don't like the taste rather than because they are unhealthy?

While going to sleep, you turn the pillow downside-up several times to find a cooler surface.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.