Legally changing your name to Peter Jankins just cuz

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

When i am home alone i think there are hidden cameras in my house and wave at objects that might conceal the camers to scare the people looking through them

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

worry about other people hearing you pee when your in the bathroom.

always get sports injuries, never get any attention from them

Put the towel near the shower so that you can stand on it and not get the floor wet

Go to the kitchen to eat, forget what I'm doing, go back to whatever I was doing, and realizing that I'm hungry.

When i'm in the front passenger seat, I still move my foot like im the one driving...

get a new *to you* car, and suddenly every other car on the road is the same make/ model..... hey look! an outback!

Cannot even read a word when a blonde lady sits in front of me in a library.

Sometimes I look at security cameras and start to act suspiciously like I'm up to something... but really... I'm not.

Use the 0.3141592653589793238462643383279502884 second rule

I still hum songs that I made up when I was a little kid

Try to keep a balloon in the air with out touching the ground, using anything but my hands -Noel

I am 23 and I still wish the stalk will take back my younger brother

I go to the fridge, see that there is nothing I want to eat in it, and then go back to it a minute later hoping that something I like has materialized

I cover the mirror on my bedroom door with a sheet at night, because I think the shadows casted in the mirror are gonna get me.

Eat everything inside my burgers first then i eat the buns.

Count the number of times someone knocks on a door on television.

Love feet. like LOVE feet.

really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

sometimes when i see a cop cruising around i try and act suspicious to see if they pull me over.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.