Taking the time to lick all of the cream off of the inside of an Oreo.

Think of something really hilarious to put on the internet, read the rest of a post, and then forget what you were going to write.

I'll imagine that I'm having a conversation with a celebrity, and either giving them advice or telling them why I hate them and calling them out on bullshit.

I can only brush my teeth at exactly 7:43 AM...Am I weird?

I have shown up for a first date in a friends POS car instead of my own to see if she is too materialistic

Get annoyed when I click on the "popular" button and it's always the same things.

i answer "why" to questions and then when someone gets pissed i say "when" Hey Jim, how's Mary? Why? Because she's your sister and I care about you. Why? Because you're my best friend. Why? STOP IT! When?

When im alone i rub myself in vasaline and pretend that im a slug on the kitchen floor.

When you don't have enough money for something, you just take a tiny bit of money from your siblings and parents room at a time so they don't notice any different

after i take a poop i stand up turn around and piss on my poop to try to split it in half

Roll my eyes with them closed when I am annoyed with someone

When I was little I used to cover myself all the way up and put pillows around me, then ask my sister if she could see me, trying to be invisible when I sleep just in case someone breaks into my house at night.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Putting pressure on my closed eyes and seeing fireworks behind my eyelids

When I listen to certain songs,it makes me feel awsome :D I listen to alot of LinkinPark -Briarwoodninja

I hate it when people assume I'm smart just because I don't speak much and I wear glasses.

Sometimes I wait a long time to pee when I really have to go. It feels good.

Use the massaging shower head on my anus to power blast the poop plaque away

If someone high fives me on one hand, I need to high five the other one too, or I feel uneven.

When you're walking along at night and you see the moon, then you move around quickly,still looking at it as if you're controlling it.

If I get lost while driving, the first thing I do is turn down the radio.

When it is raining and a sad song comes on the radio, I look out the window and pretend I am in a movie. -Cocobear

accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

Start the shower so no one hears you shit bricks

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.