When you don't have enough money for something, you just take a tiny bit of money from your siblings and parents room at a time so they don't notice any different

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I **** with no hands.

laugh whenever I see an infomercial where the hosts glorify their products to the point where it seems like they have found Jesus it is hilarious.

When you like your own comment or status', but then you feel kind of pathetic for doing it so you unlike it.

If im taking a crap in the public washrooms and someone walks in I try to make covering noise as soon as its about to plop.

Wondering if your life is a TV show, and people are watching what you do.

sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Feeling stupid when you're watching a funny movie and you laugh by yourself. So you look around and stop laughing.

Think that my ice tastes different than my water.

My login password is INCORRECT so if I forget it my computer will say "your password is incorrect"

Turn off light in bed... notice something you haven't seen before. IT'S SLENDERMAN You turn the light back on and realized it was a lamp

I DO wish I had the ability of the guy in the comment below me. Moral: Yeah I have to type moral down here, because its awesome and because whatever its awesome!

Wonder if I have a twin across the world and he makes all the opposite decisions.

I imagine that there are lines coming out from things and I don't step on the lines (columns, buildings, walls, corners, etc.)

Tip my couch over to dig for something I have lost and then end up finding a bunch of random crap.

Trace the letters on the front of your textbooks with your finger.

When realizing i'm being a little bitchy, I laugh and smile right after my sentence to make myself seem a little nicer.

cussing someone out on a video game only to realize that your mic is off

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

I speak dialogues at home to myself that I could possibly have with people in hypothetical situations. Km

When i go into a public toilet and one of the cubical doors is slightly shut, I will be really quiet or slightly push the door to see if anyone is in there.

Having that feeling of entering the wrong classroom or bus, even though you know it is the right one.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.