Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

When I see someones comment has alot of dislikes , I add on to it .

Being fat

HEY! YOU! Yeah you! I can speak you only, NO! Nobody else here! Yeah you only you, by the way you are a dirty piece of s**t you mothe* F**ker! YEAH ITS YOU! I HATE YOU! EVERYBODY HATES YOU YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *end of special message just for you*

Play poly-rhythmic drum beats along with my turn signal on my car.

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

Find a really good joke on the internet and pretend you came up with it to make your friends think you're funny

accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

Start the shower so no one hears you shit bricks

right after I turn the shower off I jump up and down to get rid of the extra water all over me...

Say to yourself "I really should get that work done" then do nothing about it

When no one is around, kick a push door open to feel like a badass.

Sometimes I get annoyed when I realize none of my friends ever eat vegetables or drink anything but sugary soda`s and are somehow as healthy, sometimes even healthier than me.

I chew my ice cream.

Look at the least popular comments just out of interest

Make hand gestures when talking on phone

while I am sitting on the toilet I play with it and waste the toilet paper and of course i just keep flushing it

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Embarassingly repeatedly use of the word "bro" when irritated or excited.

Ur mum

Think your teacher is super hot and have a hard time concentrating in class . . . for the whole year.

I always go to sleep with every single one of my stuffed animals in my arms at the same time because I think that they get lonely and sad if I pick certain ones. Then again I sometimes wonder if they secretly hate me and think I'm a weird creep for hugging all of them every night. I'm 24.

Try to stop a stopwatch exactly on 1 second with no extra milliseconds

Have a big twitch, freak out when you are dosing off in class but suddenly wake up.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.