wait til the last second to stop the microwave before it dings

I think my friends are dumb! I love them so much!!

You are thinking of really awkward moments that happened earlier in the day so then you subconsciously say a bunch of random things quickly out loud to get the thought of the awkward moment out of your head.

I'm not bad looking and I don't fall into the beautiful category either but I really feel good about the way I look

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

Sometime when I'm alone, I like to fill my bathtub with marinara sauce and pretend I'm a meatball.

Try to think of something nice when then thinks I the scariest things

All of my friends go to halloween parties. I still go trick or treating.

IM 13 years old when i touch something i have a feeling and wont let me do anything until i touch it again or 4 times or sometimes even 16 times i cant live like this its weird!!!!

Playing a sad song that talks about your current situation and then looking in the mirror or out the window pretending you are in a sad music video.

Have to have a certain light in the bathroom to poop. Also, nobody can be anywhere near me.

Getting secretly pissed off when people don't like your birthday post on their Facebook wall.

get really freaked out when your in a parking lot and the car next to you starts backing up and you think your moving forward.

I can understand (insert language) but for the life of me I can't speak it.

You or someone you know has a secret crush/liking but the always shout it to the world. My sister does that.(It's why I ask)

Sometimes, I wonder why god or the big bang ever existed in the first place and why there is a universe in the first place ... And it makes my brain hurt!

When you're lying in bed and you fart, you pull the covers over your head to smell it.

judge a spider on it's ability to hide from me and decide to let it survive if I consider it a clever hiding place, then get paranoid because the spider was smart.

Whenever you make cereal, you eat exactly where you make it like on the table.

Buy tons of movies and only watch them once. Rarely buy books and reread them a million times.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

When someone enters the room while i'm playing a game, start playing the best song of the game soundtrack so they notice it and think the game has a cool soundtrack.

.don't congratulate someone on facebook until someone other does, because maybe it's a fail.

Air guitar to a song of how you think it would be on a Guitar Hero game.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.