Say something in my head, but then wonder if i said it out loud and just didn't realize.

When you start wondering if you're in a dream and suddenly feel trapped

Whe someone buys you a gift and you think they have installed a camera into it or can somehow mentally see you when that gift is near you. Resulting in you acting strange around that it or when you are present in the same room as that gift

Drool a lil bit and continue eating...

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

use the hair drier to dry my balls after shower

After waking up from being extremely intoxicated the night before, i check my phone and ALL my accounts on the internet to make sure i didnt make an ass of myself.

I often think about how I am a thing inside of a body

I think about other women when having sex

try to rip the top off an Oreo without messing up the cream and then if the cream comes out on both parts not wanting to eat the Oreo because its wrong.

I have won so many competitions online for things like being the 99, 999th visitor on the site

Try to move your head to line up specks on the windshield with objects outside.

getting really nervous about random white vans that drive by you.

When dunking oreos I like to hold it under the milk and watch the bubbles til they stop

I like to watch lava lamps heat up

The older I get the more honest I get

When I dont feel like sweeping I sweep the stuff under the fridge or something

get happy as sh*t when you remember your homework is do after your lunch period so you can do it then, but never end up doing it.

Going to the bathroom in public just to scratch my butt

When I'm home alone at night I check around the corners to make sure there isn't anyone there

I always have to remake my bed right before going to sleep in it

When I'm walking and I step on a crack with my left food, the next time I step on a crack it has to be my right foot and vise versa. I can't step on a crack twice in a row with the same foot. But I don't have to step on every crack.

Stand on the first floor and look up through the 2nd story railing just to look up women's skirts.

wait til the last second to stop the microwave before it dings

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.