When I'm walking and I step on a crack with my left food, the next time I step on a crack it has to be my right foot and vise versa. I can't step on a crack twice in a row with the same foot. But I don't have to step on every crack.

Stand on the first floor and look up through the 2nd story railing just to look up women's skirts.

The power to put a pointless super power on thingsyouthinkonlyyoudo.com

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

IM 13 years old when i touch something i have a feeling and wont let me do anything until i touch it again or 4 times or sometimes even 16 times i cant live like this its weird!!!!

Have to have a certain light in the bathroom to poop. Also, nobody can be anywhere near me.

You or someone you know has a secret crush/liking but the always shout it to the world. My sister does that.(It's why I ask)

When driving and a song come on about death I switch the station because i'm afraid its going to happen to me

After waking up from being extremely intoxicated the night before, i check my phone and ALL my accounts on the internet to make sure i didnt make an ass of myself.

I often think about how I am a thing inside of a body

judge a spider on it's ability to hide from me and decide to let it survive if I consider it a clever hiding place, then get paranoid because the spider was smart.

getting really nervous about random white vans that drive by you.


Getting secretly pissed off when people don't like your birthday post on their Facebook wall.

I take a dump and then look to see how big it is.

I cant ride a bike

I don't know why but I really wish I can ride a bike or drive a car through a shopping mall.

Wherever I drink something, I count how many times I swallow it, and I feel weird if it's not a multiple of 5. I will get more of the drink and drink it, even if I'm not thirsty, just to make my life seem a little more complete...PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one?

Whenever on a car ride, pretend you are in a military convoy and shoot at pursuing helicopters and soldiers.

Whenever you make cereal, you eat exactly where you make it like on the table.

Sometimes I think my shit smells delicious... and I cant believe I am actually not only typing it here, but "finally" admitting it to myself.

When I hear something that I could make a great comeback to (if it was directed towards me), I saw it under my breath just to feel full fiilled

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

All of my friends go to halloween parties. I still go trick or treating.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.