When i wake up from a good dream, i close my eyes and imagine the ending in different ways.

pleasure my self... because I didn't they automatically censored certain words

Not doing any work Feel guilty about it Then still do no work

When Im bored in a house that has leafy/floral wallpaper I follow the stem with my finger all the way up to the top of the wall and then go back down again and think of a route that gets you all the way to the other side of the wall.

When the adverts come on I forget what I'm watching and so spend five minutes trying to remember.

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

When a lot if people are yelling at me / disagreeing with me all at once, I start laughing.

get annoyed by people singing a song only to show off their brilliant voice and automatically think that they cannot sing as good as they think they can

Hate Skydoesminecraft.

Inspect the mirrors in store changing rooms in case they are one-way glass. Make faces into mirror as if you know they're back there.

You laugh to yourself when you think you are alone in a street but then you notice somebody in a car looking at you.

Closing your eyes and covering your ears when you think someone is going to throw up.

Instead of having a nasty breaking up, I just disappear.

See a persons name a place a word or thing in a book computer magazine etc... and right after hearing the same thing on tv or the radio. Vice versa

always want to tell my friends the nightmares I had but they don't sound as horrible as they actually were spoken out loud and then get annoyed if their no tike 'OH my god! And what happened next...?'

When telemarketers call I speak Afrikaans to them until they hang up

When I climb into bed every night, I always say, "Bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed," while shifting until I am comfortablely settled. -Ikka

when my parents are gone i shout random stuff

I stick one foot out of my blanket so I'm not hot or cold.

That microscopic flying things that follows my eyes' motion, especially when i look up in the sky.

I have an irrational fear of automatic flushing toilets.

Walking with your friend talking about everything then you and your friend walk by someone you don't know and it gets awkwardly quiet

calling someone and it rings so long you forget who your calling and when they answer you have to look at your caller i.d to remember.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.