Fart when i'm alone RIGHT before someone walks in... try to talk over the smell...

take 30 pictures and only find 1 where you dont look like shit

Take a side of bacon and jack off watching Babe.

you wonder if things look the same through other peoples eyes

When Im bored in a house that has leafy/floral wallpaper I follow the stem with my finger all the way up to the top of the wall and then go back down again and think of a route that gets you all the way to the other side of the wall.

When listening to awesome music I perform a subtle headbanging motion.. Then I look around to see if anybody is staring at me like I'm retarded.

When I'm watching a youtube video, I worry about how much time is left because I'm concerned the video maker won't wrap it up in time before the video ends.

When I climb into bed every night, I always say, "Bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed," while shifting until I am comfortablely settled. -Ikka

When i wake up from a good dream, i close my eyes and imagine the ending in different ways.

avoid using ketchup and mayo since they make everything taste like um... ketchup and mayo... which is kind of boring

I keep tearing the little piece of skin next to my thumb nail until it hurts - and even if it bleeds I have to get it off.

See someone thats so hot all you can think about is seeing them naked all day.

When approaching a stoplight, I evaluate the vehicles in front of me to determine which ones I think will take off faster so I can get behind them.

When a lot if people are yelling at me / disagreeing with me all at once, I start laughing.

I trap my farts under the covers and sniff them all up or cup them in my hand and sniff real hard to get the smell.

Create a post on this site, and then feel really depressed when I get a ton of thumbs down, even when I give MYSELF a thumbs up.

Thinking about how fast you blink and how many times you have blinked. You then start blinking too much because you are thinling about yourself blinking, and you try to stop, but you can't stop thinking about it.

A bee flies into your classroom and you're too terrified to focus on anything else.

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

pleasure my self... because I didn't they automatically censored certain words

when my parents are gone i shout random stuff

Closing your eyes and covering your ears when you think someone is going to throw up.

Walking with your friend talking about everything then you and your friend walk by someone you don't know and it gets awkwardly quiet

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.