I don't like to sit with my back to the door incase someone or something sneeks up behind me, it's even worse with headphones on.

I very carefully smell what I'm about to eat before I eat it, but I'd most likely eat it, even if I hadn't smelled it first.

I sometimes rub my scalp rapidly and watch my dandruff fall down like snow.

When in the shower, try to cross your arms and keep them as high up to your head as you can. Fill them with water and drink from it.

Don't have to poop for a week until I get in the shower

shag your mom

When watching a heavy action movie and you suddenly start thinking about how much it would cost to repair the damages made in the movie.

Thinking about how fast you blink and how many times you have blinked. You then start blinking too much because you are thinling about yourself blinking, and you try to stop, but you can't stop thinking about it.

I make a joke and laugh a little but if someone else laughs then i laugh louder

Clicking Yes to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service" without reading one word of that stupid thing.

I eat ice creams from the bottom of the cone to the top.

Try to put in USB drive into computer, and no matter what, always ends up trying to put it in upside-down the first time.

When I'm doing a spelling test, I spell a word and read it over and over again until it loses its meaning.

wondering if everyone else in the world can read your mind so you avoid thinking about specific things

wonder how old the people r who right these. im 12

When I have a good dream I can't remember it the day after, but I can remember another dream I had a year ago.

When I do a fresh pile of laundry I throw them on my bed and lay in them.

find a nice photograph of food from the web and post it on fb just to watch my retard friends make a big deal out of it.

cringe when I squeeze a cotton ball, ugh

Fake a yawn to see if other people will yawn back.

Whenever I walk through automatic doors I say "Thank You"

being a mid-teenager, never having a relationship before and don't care at all.

I mustn't step on the cracks in the pavement

When I fart I immediately go 'Eww. Who farted? That's gross'. And I blame it on someone else, always works :)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.