Whenever I'm doing my makeup I pretend I'm doing a makeup tutorial on Youtube.

Think you're breathing way too loud when your headphones are turned up

When i'm eating M&Ms, I save one of each color until the end so I can eat them all at once.

When I watch porn,I sometimes pause the video and start looking something random. e.g. an unrelated article on Wikipedia.

become increasingly panicked when its dark and you cant find the door handle.

When I read something someone you know has written I read it in their voice.

I Repeat my coincidental happenings..and say please don't do(x5)..

when going to get a drink, i accidently pull out a bowl, or plate, later realizing what i did, i put it back, and get a cup

blow nose. look at kleenex.

I often wonder if people ever talk about me, when I'm away.

I click that I have read the Terms of Service although I haven't read sheit

when liking something you like or dislike something you click it twice even though you know it will only take one vote

When i want to write a joke on anti jokes.com i laugh at my friends instead!

I find it really hard to not respond a insulting youtube comment with a hopefully even bigger insult.

hate it when the bottom of you foot is itchy because it feels wrong to scratch it.

Pretend it doesn't hurt when someone I try for rejects me, but it does hurt, a lot.

I get angry when people use question marks where they don't belong. QUESTION marks are for QUESTIONS. Not statements or opinions >:( "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion?" X FFFUU- "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion." ?

Yell at game shows when the people are stupid

dream about the most amazing guy/girl that you have a relationship with and hope it comes true

In school look at the wall or something and feel like only a few seconds has gone by but really thirty minutes has

When I'm reading a story in English class or a book in general but I'm tired while doing so and I'm reading on down the page, if I read a sentence and miss a word or mispronounce a word I MUST go back and re read the entire sentence until I have read it correctly or I feel very weird and panicked.

While washing your hair in the shower, having the weird fear of opening your eyes to see something staring at you.

I use my phone's auto-correct to make sure the words I'm writing are correct.

I don't cut a conversation on the phone short just because I have to use the "facilities". I've mastered the art of being as far away from the toilet while flushing and sprinting out of the bathroom.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.