I avoid my wealthy but cool relatives because I don't want them to think I want money

I used to do almost everything an even number of times because I thought that if I didn't something bad would happen.

When they say the name of the movie in the movie i get excited o.O

say to my friend do you ever think that someone else is thinking the same thing that they are thinking at this moment in time and then SHYT in there mouth. Normally they gurggle it in their throat, before swallowing it and making a pedo face, and sometimes i bike naked and shit on cars with diorrea so it explodes on the windows.

Thinking our singing voices are amazing, until we record it and play it back.

I sometimes wonder what my past self would do differently if it knew what would be going on now

okay,So we bought a 1000 piece puzzle and made a point to put it together when it was done we found that it was missing a piece so we went back to the same store bought the same puzzle and went through it until we found the missing piece then returned it.

Fantasize about being with somebody else when I have sex

Get angry at someone for not knowing something I haven't told them about.


in my mind prisms are called pink floyd.

when u were younger and closed the fridge door super slowly 2 c when the light turned off

Enjoy picking off scabs, thick skin around your nails, your nails, or the thick peeling skin left from a blister. Admit it, you love it.

write a test and the information i studied most is not on the test

pissing really fast to remove shit stains in the toilet

Cry every day just because it makes you feel better.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

When I'm walking on the sidewalks, I make a game of how to walk on the pavement squares so I don't step on a line.

For some reason I really love to be hated on horsehead network, no idea why, stopped questioning it moments ago... Moral: Know what I mean?

I start doing some of the weird things I wouldn't have thought of doing if I hadn't I read them on this website.

Waking up at 4 am wondering where your pillow went.

Picking your nose to get rid of that annoying whistling in your nose when you breathe.

Cannot even read a word when a blonde lady sits in front of me in a library.

Even if it's something as innocent as a simple google search, I'm still inexplicably terrified when my parents draw near and could potentially see it. I silently flip out and frantically hide it like it's porn or something. ..And I don't even look at porn :I

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.