realize you are saying your thoughts outloud.

put a load of loo roll in the loo before taking a dump at work so it silences the landing.

I have never disliked any video on YouTube with not many views ( no matter how bad it is ) because I feel bad for the uploader.

When i play a video game and make some stupid noobish action including suiciding or playing in a lame way, i make sure that if somehow someone sees my screen, he/she notices why i do so.

I pee in the water of the toilet to make bubbles

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

stand in front of a mirror with your headphones in, and lip sync the words of the song playing to pretend you are singing in a music video

The ability to go one hour back in time by concentrating really hard for two hours.

I make a conversation with myself when looking at mirrors !

Realize you are dreaming and try to wake yourself up.

Stalk boyfriend's facebook, go to everything he's commented on, and comment too.

When I go to the bathroom I put toilet paper over my penis and pretend its a ghost

if someone posts something disgusting but true on this same site, rethink pressing the "thumbs up" button out of embaressment.

Takes playful flirting way to seriouse.

Search "sex" whenever you see a dictionary.

Pubic hair wishes... While on the toilet you try to pull out a hair... If it comes out close your eyes and make a wish....and throw it into the toilet... Flush... Repeat!

when watching a movie in a big screen cinema, i unconsciously look at the bottom of the screen, midway through the movie, expecting to see a time/track/scroll bar. as if it was VLC media player.

I see some one I have a crush on in the hallway and I walk towards them and brush my arm against them and be like OMG I TOUCHED HER!

When you think you don't hear someone, but as soon as you say, "what?" and they start repeating it, you realize that you know what they had said. But then you don't want to be rude, so you let them finish.

Spinning around to get dizzy, then spinning the other way to try and undo it.

Play call of duty then go around shooting everyone in your mind for the rest of the day

I yawn on command… and hate it. –Ikka

I let everyone know I'm a lesbian as soon as I meet them, ('cause I wouldn't want to continue talking to someone who hates gays).

Touching your nipples at night wondering if anyone else wanted to touch them all day :)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.