Scratch my ass/armpit and HAVE to smell it.

Wanting something so much. Getting it then wondering what to do next

never feel sad enough after being told a sad story

Sometimes when it's very windy, i Loudly yell "Stop". The Wind most often seem to lower it's intensity or completely blow off.

every single time a sad song comes on your ipod you imagine yourself in a movie, gloomily looking out a window or sitting alone on a bench.

i just sit there thinking, how is it not butter?

After you wipe your butt and crotch with a towel, you dont want the towel to touch your face. Next night, dry your face and head first.

Instead of scratching my balls with my hand I rub them vigorously on the bed

When someone sits with crossed legs, I notice their lifted foot throb slightly with their pulse. It is really distracting sometimes.

masturbate quietly in my room.

When I aak someone out it takes me 3-6 attempts to get the words out

Totally piss myself off by thinking of future confrontations that probably won't happen.

after having a hot shower I sometimes just sit in my room wearing just a towel

I put big spaces in between comments

Show desktop when mom or dad walks in.

watch cartoons even though most of my friends don't

Smelling your armpits to see if you smell and then disguising at as yawn/stretch

Secretly open a packet of something or spray some deodorant in a shop to check what it looks/feels/smells like. Then put it back and pick up the one behind because you just used/opened the one you were just holding.

Sometimes I unintentionally mouth the words being spoken on TV.

Every new years eve I like to watch the date on my computer change all three the day, the month, and the year

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Realise logically that a chicken egg is her period. we eat chicken periods!

I talk to myself when I'm alone

Buy something and try to save it for an event of some kind and end up failing to do so, every darn time too.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.