when i m in a car i'll look at the letters on license plates and try to think of words that you can make-or almost make- with those letters

Not expecting anyone to come over, some one knocks on the front door, mute the TV and hope they just go away.

when I get a really good idea, I write notes in excruciating detail, as I believe my brilliance will quickly disappear and I will have no idea what I was writing about ..

Pee in the shower.

Sometime i'll see someone or something like a person or a car and visualize a big meteorite smashing then out of nowhere.

whenever there's a fight on facebook, i sit back and read it and i'm just like "people are stupid hehe"

Whenever I go to a new place, I look around and carefully plan my escape route in case of zombies.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> minecraftcodes.info <

Go to get a drink and by the time you get there you already forgot what you were doing.

When I'm trying to sleep and my mind's like, "Hey, know what's a good movie? Paranormal Activity!" Then I can't sleep for an hour - Brayden Everes

Naming you're offspring Peter Jankins

Things I did when I was little: Slowly close the fridge door to see the light go out before it is closed all of the way. Put the light switch in between "OFF" and "ON". Walked in to a room and forgot why, walked out then remembered. (STILL DO!) Drew the sun in the corner of the paper. Put a flashlight in your mouth to see yourself, "blush".

I type out something I think is funny, then wonder if people will think I'm weird and erase it.

I take pains to be Anti-Democrat and Anti-Republican. Because both parties are really gross money & career machines beholden to industry. I really am middle-of-the-road on lots of issues. even though I don't understand what the fuck makes an intelligent conservative tick. but I may just be biased because it's all neo-cons on the news. idk.

When ever a door is about to close I always try to put my hand between the door and stop it, but it gets to small and I get scared.

whenever there is a person I really, really hate, I imagion them dying in a cruel and painful way.

When I see something on facebook i dont like, I like it just so i can unlike it.

when bored, i imagine my EXACT plan for the zombie apocalypse, down to what would look cool if i was walking down a desolate street ( i am legend style) :D

When you were in elementary school you thought people laughed at Uranus because it sounds kinda like urine and then wondered why it was so funny; the two only sound remotely alike.

I always cry when I pray.

Sunday's are making me feel depressed.

Whenever I do something I want to tell someone about, I have to whisper it to myself before I tell them.

Laying or sitting down in a really comfy position, then getting up to do something, and when you come back you can't figure out the position you just had.

Sometimes I kiss my hand and pretend it's a person I like.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.