put an excessive amount of lead in your pencil

Every new years eve I like to watch the date on my computer change all three the day, the month, and the year

After reading certain things on this website, I try them to see if they work.

I read your stuff at the interwebs and think "sons, I am disappoint" Moral: Lol, I just might be your father you know... But that does not mean you disappoint me anymore, I kinda expect your worst? Best? I mean... Are you doing your worst on purpose? WOW!

I check behind the the shower curtin before I use the bathroom at night.

Think of a bunch of "things you think only you do" after you leave the site

I take pains to be Anti-Democrat and Anti-Republican. Because both parties are really gross money & career machines beholden to industry. I really am middle-of-the-road on lots of issues. even though I don't understand what the fuck makes an intelligent conservative tick. but I may just be biased because it's all neo-cons on the news. idk.

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

Realize you are dreaming and try to wake yourself up.

Show desktop when mom or dad walks in.

watch cartoons even though most of my friends don't

Realise logically that a chicken egg is her period. we eat chicken periods!

Go to websites like this during school and laugh at the things I read. All around me other students are actually working and looking at me.

when I get a really good idea, I write notes in excruciating detail, as I believe my brilliance will quickly disappear and I will have no idea what I was writing about ..

I eat ass

masturbate quietly in my room.

after you've been in a fight i usually think up some epic move i could've done instead.

When my friends talk bout a show they ask did u see the one where they did this and I nod even thow I have no idea what they're talking about

Whenever I'm throwing trash down the garbage chute or into a dumpster, I all of the sudden am terrified that I accidentally threw out a valuable ring/my cell phone with the trash.

outside in the dark see a face in the tree thinks its bigfoot come to get me!

Make a screeching noise with my mouth as I go around corners in my car too fast.

When you say something you think is funny but it turns out that it's only funny in your head so once you say it there's this moment of awkwardness and everyone else probably just forgets about it but it haunts you for the rest of your life. ~

jack off

Spending the night at someone's house and waking up and thinking your at your house then realizing your not

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.