Touching your nipples at night wondering if anyone else wanted to touch them all day :)

After using the restroom at someone's house I turn on the water and proceed to check myself in the mirror while the water runs and sounds like I'm washing my hands then I turn off the water and walk out.

Looking up 'How to tell if your crush likes you' to get assurance that he/she loves you

Ladies ; wear the thin underwear with the really skinny jeans & pants , & save the thick underwear for the baggy jeans & sweatpants ..

Go to websites like this during school and laugh at the things I read. All around me other students are actually working and looking at me.

When I watch a movie that terrifies me, I usually find myself sitting on the sofa with a kitchen knife in my hand at the end of the movie.

Sometimes when im in my bed and trying to fall asleep, i don´t want to open my eyes in case there is a murderer standing before my bed.

Bathroom occupied, piss in the kitchen sink.

Putting your bra on your dogs dead

I suck my shirt without realizing im doing it until people tell me.

Close you closet door whenever you are about to go to bed.

Spending the night at someone's house and waking up and thinking your at your house then realizing your not

hearing the opening theme music to Disney or 20th Century Fox or whatever and knowing what it is before you see the screen, then wondering if you should feel proud or if your a weird geek.

jack off

Okay so probably like everyone else, when Schapelle Corby was found with drugs on her in bali I thought she was innocent but now since she was let out of the prison I am wondering if she did do it?

Think of a bunch of "things you think only you do" after you leave the site

I like eating chicken clubs with my hands and dip them in ketchup while pretending I am a caveman

Wait until there is nobody in the bathroom and then fart really really loud. Also I flip my pillow every 10 minutes so my head is on the cold side. (try it some time)

try as hard as possible to not use the last of the toilet paper so you don't have to change the roll and inadvertently force someone else to do it.

I flick through the channels on my TV really fast to try and make a complete sentence.

Look at the clock to realize that it seems like the "second" hand is taking longer on the number its on right when you look at it, and/or you looked at the clock at the absolute perfect time. And it happens frequently..

I check behind the the shower curtin before I use the bathroom at night.

Walking down the toy isle in the store, and feeling a little sad that you're not a kid anymore.

When something you're sat on makes a noise that sounds like a FART. So you try and do the noise again, to make sure people are aware that the noise was the chair and not you!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.