when your walking past a chain link fence you slide your fingers along it because it feels cool

in the morning the first thing I do is pick my nose n eat it n then I smell my discharge

Fantasizing about your friends in like 25 years telling there teenage kids about growing up and being friends with you. When you are a huge rich and famous star.

The last meal I have before I get on a plane - I think about how it is food in one city and will be crapped out in another.

Being the only one laughing at something on TV, then feeling awkward.

outside in the dark see a face in the tree thinks its bigfoot come to get me!

When the car ride is silent, I wink with my right eye when I pass a sign on the right, and the opposite for the left. And then when there's a double yellow line, I close my eyes.

I've had a problem all my life with people thinking I'm a boy, (I'm a girl) so when I first meet someone, my instinct is to find some reason, (however stupid) to say that I'm a girl, (EX: "Can you believe that people actually think I'm a boy?" like when I just meet them).

Make a screeching noise with my mouth as I go around corners in my car too fast.

Whenever I'm throwing trash down the garbage chute or into a dumpster, I all of the sudden am terrified that I accidentally threw out a valuable ring/my cell phone with the trash.

when I have to shred important documents I am still not satisfied that I even burn the shredded paper

Sometimes, I ask myself philosophical questions. The one that is bugging me now is "If reincarnation is real, why is this life so vivid?"

open the fridge A eat food B think

Listen to music while browsing the internet, having facebook open in another tab, and randomly you hear facebook message sounds, even though they aren't really there.

When alone in a public restroom, after using the toilet I kick the lever and run away out of fear that it will splash on me.

Try to think of as many as my female friends as literally possible while masturbating. Rapid Fire envisioning each one I can think of - regardless of their attractiveness - taking my load in one place or another, until I actually cum.

When my friends talk bout a show they ask did u see the one where they did this and I nod even thow I have no idea what they're talking about

I sometimes have bad dreams that for some reason I don't want to wake up from because I just want to see what happens next

slow down in front of automatic doors thinking they won't open and then rushing through when they do so you don't look stupid

Try to pee on the toilet-paper in the toilet so it rips in half

When drunk, I often grab something, lift it into the air, and yell "I GOT THE POWER!" just in case it turns me into He-Man.

Count the number of letters in a word or phrase.

I sometimes see or think of words and pronounce them differently. ie. Garbage, gar-bah-ge ("ge" like a vibration sound), Target, tar-jhay

Will use delayed foot-to-ass insults on verbal bullies. You know, the kind that goes off in the persons head days or weeks after they thought they won an argument with me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.