getting self conscious when wearing a hoodie because you start pitting out and you can start to smell BO...

Attempting to start phychic conversations with people in public

dont wash hands for the recommended 30 seconds

I yawn on command… and hate it. –Ikka

wonder why the word "MORTGAGE" has a T in it?

Okay so probably like everyone else, when Schapelle Corby was found with drugs on her in bali I thought she was innocent but now since she was let out of the prison I am wondering if she did do it?

in the morning the first thing I do is pick my nose n eat it n then I smell my discharge

Walking down the toy isle in the store, and feeling a little sad that you're not a kid anymore.

I wonder what a baby is saying when they are telling you off?

When I watch a movie that terrifies me, I usually find myself sitting on the sofa with a kitchen knife in my hand at the end of the movie.

when walking up to an automatic door, you sweep your hand towards to the door when it opens, you feel like the Force is with you.

I check behind the the shower curtin before I use the bathroom at night.

Worry that I'm will go schizophrenic.

Close you closet door whenever you are about to go to bed.

Try to think of as many as my female friends as literally possible while masturbating. Rapid Fire envisioning each one I can think of - regardless of their attractiveness - taking my load in one place or another, until I actually cum.

Do a light cough when in the toilet when there isn't no lock on the door so Ur stop someone walking in!!!

when your walking past a chain link fence you slide your fingers along it because it feels cool

Pretending you don't know that much about something because other people might think it would be wierd if you did. Ex: if you you knew someone's exact birthdate and you were discussing it with some one and you where like ya he looks a little older he's probably in his mid 40s or early 50s instead of just admitting you know there exact age.

Fantasizing about your friends in like 25 years telling there teenage kids about growing up and being friends with you. When you are a huge rich and famous star.

The last meal I have before I get on a plane - I think about how it is food in one city and will be crapped out in another.

Being the only one laughing at something on TV, then feeling awkward.

When something you're sat on makes a noise that sounds like a FART. So you try and do the noise again, to make sure people are aware that the noise was the chair and not you!

When home alone, I put cans in front of the door so if someone breaks in, I wake up.

When the car ride is silent, I wink with my right eye when I pass a sign on the right, and the opposite for the left. And then when there's a double yellow line, I close my eyes.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.