Not answer a question or something of the sort Evan if you know you know the answer because you are paranoid that you are wrong.

Walking into the little door at the store that people put the carts though.

I feel like I'm superman every time I run by the counter in the kitchen and the papers on it go flying off.

When alone in a public restroom, after using the toilet I kick the lever and run away out of fear that it will splash on me.

get really embarrassed when i leave the book i read when i poop on the bathroom counter and someone uses the bathroom.

When it's 12:59 or 4:59 or something:59, I don't let myself blink/breathe until it's 1:00 or 5:00 or something:00. Anyone?

I suck my shirt without realizing im doing it until people tell me.

when you're fapping and thinking about someone, you either get a text from them moments later, or stop thinking about them because you feel like they are reading your mind.

See a ridiculously hot girl and wonder to myself "who is the guy who gets to have sex with her. And why does she like him?" As if that can help me bag an equally hotter girl.

Scared to flush the tolite at friends houses in fear that i will wake someone up of break the tolite.

Imagin what would happen if there was a zombie invasion just at your house.

When you drop something and then drop it again as soon as you start picking it up

choose which piece of cereal in the cereal bowl i should eat last.

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because fuck the NSA.

Stick my hand all the way to the bottom of a tub of grease.

I have an imaginary therapist. I talk to him in my head and he actually gives me really good answers.

When you get in trouble, think of what you could have said or done so you could've gotten away with it.

It is really difficult for me to lose control of myself

I sometimes try to summon things with the force of my thoughts...I would be so useful...but no way, nothing ever moves.

At school I go along with the norm even though inside I HATE it!!!!

I always walk down the hall James Bond style. Gun out, along the wall, looking around corners before I walk into or by a room.

When I'm sleeping, I turn and my bed shakes, and I wake up thinking it's an earthquake.

When winking, I feel as if I have to wink with the other eye to be fair to both eyes.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.