Looking up 'How to tell if your crush likes you' to get assurance that he/she loves you

After reading certain things on this website, I try them to see if they work.

get so shitfaced you wake up in a closet with piss everywhere

Attempting to start phychic conversations with people in public

Laying or sitting down in a really comfy position, then getting up to do something, and when you come back you can't figure out the position you just had.

Sometimes when it's very windy, i Loudly yell "Stop". The Wind most often seem to lower it's intensity or completely blow off.

Takes playful flirting way to seriouse.

Cry every day just because it makes you feel better.

Smelling your armpits to see if you smell and then disguising at as yawn/stretch

Worry that I'm will go schizophrenic.

watch cartoons even though most of my friends don't

Not expecting anyone to come over, some one knocks on the front door, mute the TV and hope they just go away.

when I get a really good idea, I write notes in excruciating detail, as I believe my brilliance will quickly disappear and I will have no idea what I was writing about ..

getting self conscious when wearing a hoodie because you start pitting out and you can start to smell BO...

I read your stuff at the interwebs and think "sons, I am disappoint" Moral: Lol, I just might be your father you know... But that does not mean you disappoint me anymore, I kinda expect your worst? Best? I mean... Are you doing your worst on purpose? WOW!

realize you are saying your thoughts outloud.

Sometimes when im in my bed and trying to fall asleep, i don´t want to open my eyes in case there is a murderer standing before my bed.

When drunk, I often grab something, lift it into the air, and yell "I GOT THE POWER!" just in case it turns me into He-Man.

Every new years eve I like to watch the date on my computer change all three the day, the month, and the year

I make a conversation with myself when looking at mirrors !

look around my house for something to do for what feels like an hour then look back at a clock to realize thats its only been 4 minutes

I sometimes see or think of words and pronounce them differently. ie. Garbage, gar-bah-ge ("ge" like a vibration sound), Target, tar-jhay

Fantasizing about your friends in like 25 years telling there teenage kids about growing up and being friends with you. When you are a huge rich and famous star.

log off the internet then think of something and go back on

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.