Giving my dog a massage.

Clench your butt super hard to slowly let out a fart thinking no one will know.

I sit in a chair upside down and pretend like i'm walking on the ceiling.

Take advantage of loud traffic to fart really hard.

put the volume on the TV as an even number, and feeling uncomfortable if it's on an odd number

I am Moral Man your friendly r*pist neighboorhood, what only I can do? I can steal, cheat, kill r*pe boys and girls, cats, not mouse heck I am no pervert either see? All this and I can still be... ...A SMOOTH CRIMINAL! AH! YAHOOW!

Get excited when the clock reads 12:34. especially when its a digital that can also read 12:34.56.

Hit the enter key really hard when finishing a long piece of text that you have just written.

Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

When I'm cooking, I mumble everything I'm doing under my breath like I'm in a cooking show and I'm talking to the audience.

when i use omegle u usually say im a girl, when a guy says how long is his thing, i say 'mine too' :D

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

Walk out of movie thinking that I would be like them some day.

Do an epic air drum solo while listening to Phil Colins "In The Air Tonight"

I only make the tv volume in multiples of 5.

Liking your own posts to make it seem like at least 1 person likes you. thinking that maybe someone will be slightly compelled to like it because someone already did.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

I don't care about gender stereotypes. Moral: If I want to like Pink unicorns I will like them!

When you know your alone, you still have to check the whole house.

Feeling like no one really "knows" me, but only what they already see/know. Most things about me my family don't know about.

Turn the fan and/or sink on in the bathroom to drown out the noise from masturbating.

I smell or rinse cups before I put water in them. Even if they are clean.

I can't stop watching ST:DS9, (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) It's so awesome, but then I just, (the same thing happens with whatever T.V. show i watch) GET COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it.

Getting really ticked off when Wikipedia tells you the ending of a book in the introduction. And the thing is that you don't even see it coming! Ex. My Sister's Keeper is about a family struggling with its own internal problems, especially with the oldest daughter having leukemia and the youngest is the only one who may or may not save her. *name* dies in the end. WTF?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.