Purposely scuff a shoe on pavement after the other scuffs by accident. Feel you scuffed this foot a little too much and so re-scuff the first to balance things out.

Read through all these posts and get all excited when you see things that you thought only you did

I always paranoidly think that someone else might see what I see through my eyes he can't hear what I hear and he can't smell what I smell he can only see and if I close my eyes he falls asleep automatically I try to avoid thinking this but that's impossible

Looking outside the window and imagining a huge explosion destroy everything and then u surviving and trying to find a way to survive

I like to eat the crust on pizzas

Meet a really cool girl imagine the rest of my life with her.

When you accidentally like get something on your hand so you go to wash it off but feel compelled to wash your other hand too even if it's not dirty

Secretly think that Flo from the Progressive commercials is bangable.

.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

Sometimes cringe at the sound when other people scratch themselves

~When you turn around, somebody is already looking at you; something is probably on your face. (I know they look at you because you would look at anybody turning around, but I just hate it)

If some makes you mad you do things alot better than you would if you were not mad

Dance in the car just so the person you like will see you and be like "Aw, cute" but then they don't even see you so you stop...

When I have nothing do do in Life Science I read the textbook.

Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

When I'm walking on the sidewalk, I try to count and keep a steady rate of how many times I step on each slab of concrete.

Smile like a damn dork when I watch romantic movies.

After watching a video of someone doing something tiring, I always feel tired in whichever body part they were using in the video

Every time I see people's bare feet I'm automatically counting their toes to make sure if they have an extra toe or two.

Not buying a product you might have otherwise been interested in simply because you think their TV ad is stupid.

refuse to like a post because the number is too perfect and you don't want to screw it up

When I drop something, I stand there and watch it fall, I stand still because I'm afraid that I'll maybe mess up something else, instead of picking it up quickly. Am I the only one? ;)

When I'm waiting for someone who is late. I go-over in my head how I'm going to greet them. For example "Well, it's about damn time", or "Finally!".

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.