When you are looking over someones shoulder and they look at you thinking you are staring at them so you suddenly turn your head

Sit on the loo and think about life because I can't be bothered to get up

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

Turn the fan and/or sink on in the bathroom to drown out the noise from masturbating.

When I woke up this morning I was asleep.

Try to talk to my pet telepathically. - sky

dont wash hands for the recommended 30 seconds

Having the tv on always, just for background noise. Doesn't work with a computer/laptop, must be the tv.

pick leaves of bushes while im walking and rip them up into small pieces

Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

I feel like my blanket is an indestructible shield against any monsters that might try to get me at night. If any part of you is out of the covers, you're screwed. lol -ML

When your friend tells you something, but you don't hear them so you just start laughing.

spank it during my commute if I am in traffic

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

I only make the tv volume in multiples of 5.

fist myself to the point of unconsciousness whilst masturbating to the speeches of Hitler

I can't stop watching ST:DS9, (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) It's so awesome, but then I just, (the same thing happens with whatever T.V. show i watch) GET COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it.

When im going from one room to the next, i try and get into the other room before the door to the last room closes. If i do, I've won.

pretend celebrities are watching you then getting really freaked out.

I talk to myself while playing games so I don't feel lonley!

when you're microwaving something and you have to pee, you run to the bathroom. then you run back to see if there is still time left before the "bomb" goes off.

When I get "interactive" commercials on my laptop screen, I like to "just shoot 4 out of 5 ducks" and feel like I have cheated the system.

I eat spoons of dry hot chocolate powder when nobody is around.

I like to burn candles in my room and some times I burn the hair on my arm and smell it afterwards

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.