If I drop a piece of candy on the floor, I have to drop another piece so it won,t be lonely

Seriously I am tired but, I read the fucking solvemedia stating "forget this", then I stood there for a moment having just forgot what I was supposed to type. "Was I not supposed to forget what I just read?" Nero: BRAINWASHING! FORGET THIS AND LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER! IM LEUTANANT BANGUS YOUR MUTHERUS YOU IDIOT!

When the toilet paper falls to the floor, I quickly roll it again so nobody notices it.

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

I wonder what a baby is laughing about when they are apparently being entertained by something in the room I can't see

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

I refuse to imagine good things happening to me, because if I did, it won't come true and I end up being suck at everything.

Whenever I am in a dark room at night, and there is a window with blinds with a light shining through, I stand in front of it and pretend I am wearing a striped prison jumpsuit.

I never feel bored

start planning Halloween costumes on November first.

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I cannot f***ing believe how many of these i do... and now i feel out of place

i talk to myself in the mirror just to see how i look when im talking to somebody else, i even practice faces and my laugh (i should get a life)

Clench your butt super hard to slowly let out a fart thinking no one will know.

Get the feeling that somebody is going to grab your foot when you walk by a bed in the dark...

When I am in a car i always think there is massive swords coming out the edge of the car and make everything the same length up

Music is ALWAYS playing in my head. I can't go a day without noticing that the whole time a song is just burned in my brain, playing over and over. Is this okay? Im pretty sure im the only one...

Go into a card shop, laugh hysterically at the funny ones, then leave. Then whilst walking down the street, you think of them again and burst out laughing. This is highly embarrassing when you're alone!

I never let anything go over the toilet when It's open.

Shudder when someone bites down on icey poll or an ice cube

When your at your friends house and they run out of toilet paper, so you sit there like "what do i do now?"

Think about all of the germs that are on restroom doors and water taps.

Cover the built in webcam on my laptop when I'm using it with a folded piece of paper just in case

sometimes when i wipe my nose a booger will get on my hand then ill get to lazy to get it off and wipe it under my chair.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.