Randomly think odd scenarios in your head and say if that happened this is what i would do and then forget about it the next day

Hum up and down in pitch because it makes LED displays dance around.

If I turn in a circle I have to turn the other way to balance it out and feel even!

I always thought Diane Ross sang '76 why don't ya babe, get out my life why don't ya babe'.

I like to watch online videos of people and pause the video mid sentence to see the faces they make frozen mid speech

Walk into a public bathroom and go to the urinal, but then stop and think theres some guy who will perv on you and then go in the cubicle.

Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie)

Search through the most popular section of this website trying to find my one

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)

check for spiders under the toilet seat before taking a dump

I often think I have the greastest taste in everything

When there are multiple puddles on the sidewalk you try and jump in every single one of them

when watching a movie or tv show, i think i am the main character and when it does somthing stupid i become embaressed

Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

I have the idea that i'm the only one who looks at this site.

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

Run up all stairs two at a time, and memorize all the staircases with odd number of steps. On those, I start with one step so I can end on a two.

I replace every word of a song with the name of my pet

Fantasize about taking over the world, and killing all religious people.

When I use deodorant, I flap my arms like a chicken a couple of times to get some air moving under there...

Does anyone else look at people when there talking and then randomly get in on there conversation.

I sometimes feel like I am the only one like me in this world

When I'm walking along and just trip over my own foot I look back and pretend to look at whatever it was I tripped over.

Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Then 6 hours later, you wish you hadn't. (sometimes even open the fridge and check whether you actually ate it or not)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.