do things without turning the lights on and feel like a ninja.

When I drink out of a disposable coffee cup with a lid, the opening on the lid has be on the exact opposite side from the seam where the cup is glued to form the cylinder.

When climbing onto an escalator, I cannot just step on it and go, I have to mentally prepare myself and time my steps to get on, especially if it's going down, cause I'm terrified I will fall off... I usually end up irritating the people behind me trying to get on, as it takes me almost 10 to 15 seconds to find the right step.. And also, I cannot touch the escalator's sides.

You question gods existence and evolution but then quickly tell herself hes real so you don't get struck with a lighting bolt

When I wake up after having a good dream I try to remember it but I don't

stop the microwave when I hear the food popping

When walking around a slightly empty store, I walk around and pretend I'm a spy, trying not to be seen.

Have to catch my significant other when they lie, not because I really care but to prove I'm smarter

Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie)

i wonder why someone decided to spell words unusually for example why couldn't because be spelt becuz the way it sounds?!

I sometimes start moving my hands around "making them fight" pretending they are tiny fighters.

only turning the TV volume to numbers ending in 5

Sometimes when I watch live TV, I mute the TV when I get embarrassed at what is happening on screen to other people.

When I use deodorant, I flap my arms like a chicken a couple of times to get some air moving under there...

when i watch a movie, and a character in it gos underwater, i hold my breath with that person until that person gets above water, then i let go, either that, after the character comes up from the water, i still hold my breath until i cant take it anymore.

I rearrange books, movies, etc. in the correct alphabetical order in the fiction section of my public library, other people's houses, classrooms at school, etc. Sometimes this process takes a very long time.

Fart at home

When there are multiple puddles on the sidewalk you try and jump in every single one of them

While driving out in the country area, I am secretly looking for Squatch

I read these not only for fun, but to feel in touch with my humanity.

When I'm running a bath I sometimes sit and look at myself in the mirror and act out conversations with people I've never talked to or celebrities, and when I say something that sounds good I'll repeat it over and over again until I nail huge emotions on my face.

having cool friends, but all their other friends are nerds.

Get turned on when you see a girl yawn

On Youtube. Moving the mouse cursor over the video thumbnails thinking it will display different snap shots from the video. And realizing what a guy I am...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.